Displaying a comma/semicolon separated list of emails

I’m doing this on a custom object, odds are you will want this on campaign member. So where you see ‘worker’, use ‘campaign member’.

4 steps

  1. lookup the records and add to sObject collection
  2. loop through them
  3. use an assignment element to add the loop variable email to a text variable
  4. display the text variable in a screen


most of the magic happens in the assignment element, where i add the email to a text variable with a semicolon, and use a constant to add a line break

assignment element


and here is the result


If you want to get fancy and let users select records from a list view and only export those, you can do that using the approach illustrated by Sir Andrew Fawcett here : https://andyinthecloud.com/2014/06/04/more-power-to-your-flows-in-summer14/


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