deploying case status values from sandbox

after a long long time created a new support process in sandbox, and of course you cant deploy standard picklists with change sets.

if i had used devops center i would prob be sorted, but I would have to redo everything. i found it to be too much overhead to deal with for what we needed, and havent played with it recently.

so instead, i did the following

1) include the support process in the change set

2) retrieve case status via metadataapi / workbench

create a file named package.xml and include this and only this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="">

login to workbench in the sandbox, and go to migration - retrieve, and select that file.

that will give you a nice zip file with all of your case status values.

deploy that to production using workbench, then deploy your change set.

that should do the trick.

if you want to get fancy you could export the change set as a package, and then also include the case status, and deploy the whole thing together, but that seems like more work than just doing em separately.


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