Creating a unique collection in flow

this is a very short post, that shows one small thing that can be very useful - creating a collection of unique elements in visual workflow

there are now quite a few operators on collections in flow, but none of them are ‘remove duplicates’ or ‘add if new’ or anything like that.

i found a way to do this that requires only a single assignment element - no loops or decisions required

step 1 : remove all instances of (X)
step 2: add (X)


this ensures that your collection will only contain one copy of the element.

maybe there is an easier way, but this works!


Now read this

Evaluating max/min of multiple date fields in flow

UPDATE : JUNE 2023 Summer22 brought us new formula functions. UNIXTIMESTAMP allows you to convert dates to numbers, which can be fed into MAX or MIN, which will return a single value which you can convert back to dates using FROMUNIXTIME... Continue →